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Accessibility Committee

In December 2022, we began the process of establishing an accessibility committee and initiated a call for participation.  A callout for applications to the Accessibility Committee was conducted in February 2023 to recruit a diverse representation as outlined in the act. The Accessibility Committee was formally constituted in March 2023. Membership of the committee followed the structure outlined in the Accessible British Columbia Act. At least half the committee included:

  • People with children or youth in MPSD with current or emergent considerations related to disability and accessibility, and/or
  • People who work or volunteer for MPSD, and/or
  • People with disabilities, and/or
  • People or organizations that support people with disabilities

For more information about the Accessible B.C. ACT, see the following links:

Accessible B.C. Act (full Act)
Accessible B.C. Act (in force)
Accessible B.C. Regulation comes into force September 1, 2022
Plain Language summary of the Accessible B.C. Act
Timeline for implementation (PDF)

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