2025-2026 MPSD Calendar

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The Calendar DRAFT was presented for partner group input in January. Approval of the finalized calendar will be required at a Board Meeting prior to sending the Calendar to the Ministry of Education and Childcare. The approved calendar must be submitted prior to March 31st for the 2025 / 2026 calendar. Additional time could be taken to consider calendars for 2026/2027 and 2027/2028 (which are optional). Staff requested input from Principals, Unions and departments. DRAFT Calendars PLUS Abbotsford and Maple Ridge proposed calendars are saved in Documents for reference.

Considerations and Feedback received so far:

  • MSS would like to propose the following:
    • Move September Pro D to Sept 19th to allow for the week to set up and be ready on the Friday, or the 29th of September.
    • Consider moving the November 28th Non-Instructional day to November 21st to align with Report Card distribution. Q1 report cards posted to families on Nov 17th.
    • Move Semester Turn around to January 23rd.
    • Move April Assessment / Evaluation ½ day to April 10th to align with Q3 end date.

MSS Quarters/Semesters for 25/26 School Year:

Q1 – Sept 3 – Oct 31st
Q2 – Nov 3 – Jan 22nd
Semester Turn Around
Q3 – Jan 26 – Apr 10th
Q4 – Apr 13 – June 19th

  • Solidify last day of instruction for both middle schools and MSS and don’t let them change as important for bussing etc.
  • Align days off for PT conferences closer to the day of the conference.
  • Consider PT conference days in lieu for the whole district on the same day, to allow pro-d for CUPE more easily.
  • HR and payroll has a challenge the as Fraserview has a different calendar. Can Fraserview be the same as the district.
  • Add a 6th Pro-D Day, if possible
  • MTU Suggestions:
    • Reporting periods - Not have reports due right before Christmas, Assessment day in November to allow teachers to get report done and focus on pre- winter break activities. Space out reporting periods.
    • Allow ample time for processing for clerical so that it is not dumped back on teachers - also notice of reporting periods is the calendar for CUPE support.
    • Elementary needs a different schedule than middle and high (3 reporting periods as opposed to four).
  • Keep the first report card going out in December. It is far more accurate and meaningful as teachers have time to really teach and assess students.
  • Elementary - move 1/2 day assessment back one week to November 28 so RCs go home one week earlier in December (report cards right before the winter break condemns some students to a miserable situation in a time of high stress). November 28th day in lieu needs to be moved into early November or late October closer to the actual parent/teacher conferences (the point of the in lieu day is to make up for that extra evening work, less exhaustion for staff and families). The November professional development day could be moved from November the 7th to November the 10th (yes it’s a Monday but it would be easier for families to have the 10th and 11th off of a weekend and would cut down on truancy. Also, why can’t pro-d days be on a Monday as the district sets the calendar?) Please, whatever you do, DO NOT go back to elementary report cards in the beginning/middle of November (it did not make for accurate assessment - the touch point every two months has been so much better for maintaining quality contact and communication with families with positive responses from caregivers and teachers.
  • Move the Pro-D to the 29th.
  • November 7 is a pro d. Then the weekend. Then back for Monday the 10th and then Tuesday the 11th off for the holiday. Can the lieu day be the 10th of November?
  • Last dayof school for all students is June 25, June 26 is a N/I Day, Administrative day.

The Calendar DRAFT was presented for partner group input in January. Approval of the finalized calendar will be required at a Board Meeting prior to sending the Calendar to the Ministry of Education and Childcare. The approved calendar must be submitted prior to March 31st for the 2025 / 2026 calendar. Additional time could be taken to consider calendars for 2026/2027 and 2027/2028 (which are optional). Staff requested input from Principals, Unions and departments. DRAFT Calendars PLUS Abbotsford and Maple Ridge proposed calendars are saved in Documents for reference.

Considerations and Feedback received so far:

  • MSS would like to propose the following:
    • Move September Pro D to Sept 19th to allow for the week to set up and be ready on the Friday, or the 29th of September.
    • Consider moving the November 28th Non-Instructional day to November 21st to align with Report Card distribution. Q1 report cards posted to families on Nov 17th.
    • Move Semester Turn around to January 23rd.
    • Move April Assessment / Evaluation ½ day to April 10th to align with Q3 end date.

MSS Quarters/Semesters for 25/26 School Year:

Q1 – Sept 3 – Oct 31st
Q2 – Nov 3 – Jan 22nd
Semester Turn Around
Q3 – Jan 26 – Apr 10th
Q4 – Apr 13 – June 19th

  • Solidify last day of instruction for both middle schools and MSS and don’t let them change as important for bussing etc.
  • Align days off for PT conferences closer to the day of the conference.
  • Consider PT conference days in lieu for the whole district on the same day, to allow pro-d for CUPE more easily.
  • HR and payroll has a challenge the as Fraserview has a different calendar. Can Fraserview be the same as the district.
  • Add a 6th Pro-D Day, if possible
  • MTU Suggestions:
    • Reporting periods - Not have reports due right before Christmas, Assessment day in November to allow teachers to get report done and focus on pre- winter break activities. Space out reporting periods.
    • Allow ample time for processing for clerical so that it is not dumped back on teachers - also notice of reporting periods is the calendar for CUPE support.
    • Elementary needs a different schedule than middle and high (3 reporting periods as opposed to four).
  • Keep the first report card going out in December. It is far more accurate and meaningful as teachers have time to really teach and assess students.
  • Elementary - move 1/2 day assessment back one week to November 28 so RCs go home one week earlier in December (report cards right before the winter break condemns some students to a miserable situation in a time of high stress). November 28th day in lieu needs to be moved into early November or late October closer to the actual parent/teacher conferences (the point of the in lieu day is to make up for that extra evening work, less exhaustion for staff and families). The November professional development day could be moved from November the 7th to November the 10th (yes it’s a Monday but it would be easier for families to have the 10th and 11th off of a weekend and would cut down on truancy. Also, why can’t pro-d days be on a Monday as the district sets the calendar?) Please, whatever you do, DO NOT go back to elementary report cards in the beginning/middle of November (it did not make for accurate assessment - the touch point every two months has been so much better for maintaining quality contact and communication with families with positive responses from caregivers and teachers.
  • Move the Pro-D to the 29th.
  • November 7 is a pro d. Then the weekend. Then back for Monday the 10th and then Tuesday the 11th off for the holiday. Can the lieu day be the 10th of November?
  • Last dayof school for all students is June 25, June 26 is a N/I Day, Administrative day.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please let us know what you think about the Proposed 2025-2026 District Calendar. Your feedback is very valuable and ensures we approve a calendar that suits everyone as best as possible. 

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Page last updated: 03 Mar 2025, 11:38 AM